[청년의사 신문 청년의사]

마가렛 키(Margaret Key) / 에델만 코리아 상무

Many times in your daily life you have to make choices. Such choices can be related to what you will eat, what form of transportation you will take to get to the office, whether or not you will make time to exercise… the list goes on and on. What is interesting though is the humans do have the power of reason. Ultimately our ability to think and reason allows us to make choices that affect our lives.

Weighing the choices is based on consideration of positives and negatives of a situation. For instance, will you eat fast food because it is convenient or will you decide to eat something healthier because of your need to watch your diet? Do you take the subway to the office because it is cheaper or do you decide to drive because it will be possibly quicker? Do you go to the gym even though you are incredibly tired after a long day’s work? All of our daily decisions are influenced by our ability to consider the best option.

If you wanted to explain this process, it would examining the pros and cons. You may be familiar with this phrase but did you know that the pro and con are the Latin words for “for” and “against” respectively. The pros and cons are the good and bad aspects of something. Many people believe that the two words are abbreviations but as you now understand, they do have their own meanings.

Every day I find myself weighing the pros and cons of a situation. In fact, I decided to eat a sandwich in the office versus going out because of a lack of time. I decided to drive to the office because it is much more convenient and I also worked out at the gym because I am now starting to train for an upcoming 10K run. Such decisions are always made after a consideration of the pros and cons.

I am sure that many of you have used this term in either speaking or writing but today you now may have a better understanding of its origin.

현재 에델만 코리아에서 헬스케어 분야를 이끌고 있는 마가렛 키 상무는 한국MSD, 한국화이자제약, GSK, Roche, Allergan 등의 다국적 제약기업과 함께 천식 및 피부과 분야, OTC 분야, 미디어 리서치, 기업 PR, 캠페인 등 다양한 프로젝트를 수행해 왔다. 또한 외국인 임원진을 위한 미디어, 위기관리 커뮤니케이션 워크샵 등을 진행하고 있으며, 뉴욕에서 열린 에델만 서머스쿨을 이수했다. 듀크 대학(Duke University)에서 경영학 및 사회학을 전공했고, 연세대 국제학대학원에서 국제관계/정치학 전공으로 석사학위를 취득했다. 이전에는 현대자동차, 현대산업개발, 힐튼호텔 등에서 일한 바 있다.

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